Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Nation at a Crossroads

Our nation continues to slide into moral decay. Everyday, I see stories of people openly mocking the source of our rights. So many now reject objective truth. The Bible was held as the standard for morality and instruction in our nation until about 75 years ago. In the last 75 years, we’ve fallen so far, but the rate at which our culture has decayed has accelerated to a point in the last 10 years, that I see no point of return on a national level without a true spiritual revival. 
I truly believe God has taken his hand of blessing off of our nation. A nation that endorses the murder of babies, openly mocks God’s design for families and marriage, and a burgeoning entitlement state that replaces God with government will be the downfall of this country, if we don’t push back. 
My goal is to fight back on a local level. I intend to explore running for mayor of Washington, Iowa in 4 years. The mayor elected last night is onboard with the current progressive plan of cultural decay and decadence. We can’t continue to mock God if we seek revival. The Body of Christ needs to rise up.
I am frustrated at churches and pastors who won’t speak up. In my research, there are only a handful, a small minority of churches in all of southeast Iowa that actually preach the whole word of God. Part of the cultural decline is a culture of churches selling out to the world and tickling ears instead of preaching with conviction. You can do your part, no matter where you live. If your church doesn’t preach and teach the whole of God’s word, leave that church and find one that does. 
To this end, I will also continue to reach out and work to see souls saved. We have to get the word out that we are living in perilous times and without Jesus, things are going to continue to get worse. 
It’s time we choose. We must either choose to let the forces of darkness win, or we must fight back. I choose to fight. I hope you join me.

I normally use links in my text, but I’ve chosen to cite a few stories below to illustrate my points above. Check them out and let’s continue the discussion.

We can’t approach people from a place of hate, but we also must not be afraid to proclaim truth in love and we mustn’t be silent. We must proclaim the Gospel and all that goes with it. I’ve been guilty of being lax in following God’s law in the past. If anything, the slide our nation is in has prompted me to draw nearer to God and to pull back from a culture seeking to destroy all that is good and true.
It’s time for Christians to stop fellowshipping with forces seeking to destroy them. It’s time for people of faith to pull their kids from public schools. It’s time for people of faith to shut the TV off. It’s time for people of faith to stop going to movies made by people who wish to see us destroyed. It’s time we stopped supporting musicians who wish to see the Gospel minimized. It’s time to stop dressing like the world. It’s time to support the right kinds of businesses and to remove our support from businesses that seek to do us harm. We need to stand up and make our light be seen. 

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