Sunday, August 13, 2017


Odd, I know. Two posts in a day. I just had to get this off my chest.
My pastor said something last Wednesday that stirred this up and continued to challenge me today.

Too many people aren't real. Too many people have public personas, all polished up and sanitized, yet at work they are nothing like their home or church personality, or their church personality is different that their personality away from church. I gravititate toward those that are the same in all areas, so that I can know them for real.

Be open. Be who you are. People who put on a face for church or for work or for guests in the home bother me. I can't tell if they are sincere or not. I don't want to have to read your mind to know if you are being who you are, or who you think I want you to be. Don't be plastic. Be you, flaws and all. God made you and as long as you aren't trying to be something you're not, I'm good. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. If I stink at doing something, I'm ok with saying it. If I don't have experience in an area, I'm glad to ask. If I am an expert in something, I'm glad to lend a hand or teach someone.

Be joyful because you're a Christian, but don't over sell it. Don't be someone you aren't. Just be yielded to God and your true joy will shine through.

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