Sunday, January 7, 2024

Choose Victory Over Victimhood

Personality over principle…that’s where a large swath of the electorate has landed on the not as far left side of American politics. I see cracks in the veneer of this movement, but it needs to be ripped from the American body politic to truly be able to move forward. Because my nature is to not join movements of people I find no common cause with, I haven’t saddled up to this personality over principle garbage. Let me explain.

Since the escalator ride in 2015 that acted as a lobotomy for many Americans, I’ve seen a slide toward a different kind of currency being made valuable on what I thought was the political right. That currency is victimhood. I see people hitching their souls to a man in whom they place all of their aspirations. If they aspire to be victims, this man is their gateway to the new (slightly) right grift.

I saw through this vacuous movement in 2015 and 2016. I saw through this movement during the time of the new Nebuchadnezzar figure in the White House. I saw through the victimhood grift when he left office in shame, a broken covid tyrant caught up in a mail ballot mess of his own funding by way of the CARES Act. Unlike most on the ‘right?’ side of the political spectrum, I wasn’t seduced by the functionally Godless new progressive populism filth that has so pervaded a portion of the electorate. When a certain failed politician throws God into his teleprompter reading sessions, I want to vomit. God will not be mocked.

Instead of a movement oriented on things that are timeless, like truth, hard work, integrity, charity, and honesty, we’ve been enmeshed in a overgrown web of discontentment, hatred, spite, and contempt for all that is good and true. This new not so left movement sees themselves in the culturally degenerate figure they lift up as their political savior. This figure has never been faithful to his family or to his employees. They see that as a positive as it requires no introspection, no repentance, and no humility. As a nation, we used to value men who could admit when they were wrong and we lifted them up when they fixed that wrong. That is now seen as a sign of weakness.

As the 2024 Iowa caucus draws near, I take heart in being part of a campaign that is the exact opposite in disposition to the failed former executive’s campaign. The staff members on my team aren’t degenerate reprobates, but instead they’re serious and mission focused individuals, set on helping the best elected executive in the country in his effort to help steer this country away from the precipice we’re teetering on at this present time. 

Right now, we have a massive chance to make effectual change in this country. That would necessarily mean we would discard the rank progressive populism taking over a certain segment of the American right. We need to trade that unprincipled mess in for sane, liberty minded, anti corporatist focused, small government conservatism. 

There is precisely one man running with the policy and personnel chops who could bring about the change we need. Ron DeSantis is that man. He’s also the first candidate in generations who you could point your children toward and say that he and his family could be real roll models for what America needs to strive toward. Decent, morally upright family life is almost foreign in our country, but that is what Ron has. Casey DeSantis would be the very best First Lady in our history, in my opinion. I don’t say that just because I know her, either. I say that because she’s her husband’s best advocate and his first sounding board. That gives me great comfort. Their three little ones are pretty great, too. 

If you understand what I’m conveying, join me. The Iowa Caucus is a week away. Let’s help turn this nation in peril around. Choose victory over victimhood.


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