Monday, February 3, 2020

Just a few thoughts.

I haven't written a blog post in quite some time. Here are just a few thoughts. 
I am thoroughly disgusted with the direction our nation is taking. I'm not coming from the leftist Never Trump/Blue Wave Republican angle. I'm not coming from the progressive angle. I'm coming from a constitutionalist/individual ordered liberty angle. 

I have a visceral hatred for all things populist. I'm not a joiner by nature. I'm highly skeptical of large groups of people trumpeting the same cause unless it's the cause of Christ(something people have been willing to give their lives for), and even then, there are so many apostate movements, I try everything I hear through the lens of the Bible. 

I'm being spurred to write because tonight the Iowa Caucuses are going to start the 2020 presidential nomination process. The GOP side is currently working to cover-up all of Trump's failures and make him into something other than a loud mouthed braggart and carnival barker, all while adopting all of the Democrat premises for their own. The Democrats are currently trying to decide how far toward the Soviet system they would like to go. I will have nothing to do with either of those sides.

So what is a person who doesn't see a path forward on either of those sides supposed to do? If I'm being blunt, I'm not sure. I do know this, though. A person holding onto principles of individual natural rights and limited government has no real power in either party. All we get from Republicans is lip service (see Trump speaking at a pro-life rally while signing bills to fund Planned Murderhood), while they seek to adopt policies of the Soros backed left, like criminal justice reform(also known as letting violent felons out of jail early) and state mandated and funded redistribution of wealth like post childbirth government funded supplementary income. This is stuff  that Democrats wouldn't have supported 20 years ago. In fact, Joe Biden was a major player in getting landmark crime crackdown legislation passed in the 1990s. He now runs away from that victory, as do many Republicans.

You might ask why someone who trumpets individual rights, like myself, wants to be hard on violent criminals. I'll tell you why. I don't think we should lock up someone for petty theft or minor drug offenses for years upon years, but someone who assaults a child, traffics large amounts of illicit drugs(thereby funding violent transnational cartels), violently assaults a woman or child, traffics or uses child pornography, or commits murder(unborn or already born) should be put away until they are too old to have an effect on anyone. Frankly, I'd like to see pedophiles, child sex predators, and those who commit first degree murder put to death because they forfeited their right to liberty and life by usurping the natural rights of others. 

Another conundrum I find myself in is the issue of life, especially of the innocent and unborn. Trump speaking at the March for Life was just lip service. He signed every spending bill out in front of him that funded Planned Murderhood since he's been in office. Abortion is murder and should be punished as such, both for the person contracting for the murder and the person carrying out the contract. Pro-Life Inc says we should make abortion unthinkable, all while stopping every effort to actually do so. Abortion would be unthinkable if the consequences were the same as those of any other murder. The abolition of abortion is the only moral position. Regulating child sacrifice analogous to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Abolishing child murder it is the only way forward. Using the Titanic analogy, abolition is the fleet of life boats on the Titanic. 

The Republicrats, Trump included, have done precisely nothing to push back against the illogical and illegitimate SCOTUS ruling from 2015 that made up a non-existent right for anyone to marry anyone else. For over 2000 years, western civilization has been built upon New Testament biblical families and biblical marriages. The Trump GOP has caved on this issue. This isn't about liberty. It's about government redefining words and making things up. The left wants to destroy the family, much in the way the Chinese did, by limiting children born in wedlock. The reason they laud sodomite marriage is because no children can come from those unions. Children born to biblical families will likely be enemies of totalitarian states.  The GOP has done precisely nothing to combat this. In fact, Republicrats have made idols of out the courts, in effort to absolve themselves of from having to do anything about this issue.

I can't get along with parties that have no appetite for reigning in spending. Our debt, deficit, and overall size of government has not slowed in its growth since Trump took office. He's not a disruptor that so many though him to be. He's a typical Republicrat cog in the gears of big government. He's done nothing that will stand up to the next Democrat president in terms of limiting government influence in the business sectors or bureaucracies of government. He's done hardly anything to get decent people hired as the heads of the myriad number of federal agencies that come under his authority. In fact, he's done such a poor job of getting decent cabinet level secretaries confirmed that Obama and Clinton era bureaucrats are effectively running many cabinet level departments because acting secretaries can't hire and fire people without the Senate approving them. Trump isn't leader his cult thinks him to be. 

All while the Republicrats are conspiring against their rank and file voters, the Democrats are actively searching for a way to find their vehicle to the October 1917 Soviet revolution. Bernie Sanders is now the default leader of the leftists in this country. The guy who spent his honeymoon in Moscow in 1988, lauding the failing Soviet system, is now leading in many polls. As I write this, he's likely on his way to winning the Iowa Democrat caucus and that will lead to a win in the New Hampshire primary. This will give the nearly 80 year old communist a leg up on the Democrat nomination for president. If this turns out to be the case, the nation will be left with a choice between a left of center nationalist statist in Trump and a radical collectivist communist in Sanders. There is no good way forward out of that situation. The GOP may retain control of the Senate, but if it does, it will be a 51/49 majority(Gardner and McSally are cooked). The House is lost for several cycles because Trump doesn't inspire people to vote for other Republicans. I know this a bunch of gloom and doom, but wait, there is hope. 

Start locally. Run for city council, county commissioner, or a local school board. If you don't, help find good people who will and help them campaign. Help recruit actual conservatives (not Trump sycophants or Romney types) to run for office. Go to city council meetings and lobby them to stop spending money on progressive issues and start standing for the right values. You have much more sway with locals than you do with a bought and paid for US Senator. Make sure your state house reps and senators know who you are. In fact, make them afraid of you. Bother them. Make their jobs difficult if they step out of line. These are all things you can do to have an actual impact. 

Lastly, and most importantly, know that you are a born again Christian, that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died, was buried, and rose from the grave 3 days later to save you from sin and hell, if only you trust upon Him. Get rooted in a Bible preaching church with a biblical pastor. Once you've done that, start proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus. The reason the Chinese, North Koreans, Putin's Russia, Cuba, and many islamist countries ban the preaching of the Gospel and the Bible is because when someone is truly born again, they stop seeing the government as their end all be all. There is hope. It's just not found in the GOP or the Democrat parties. 

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