As you may or may not know, I left the Republican party just over one month ago. After an acquiescence by my local party's central committe to all things Trumpidian, I knew, in my heart, I could no longer be a part of something so vile and wicked. Check out what happened in Cleveland here and here.
Fast forward to today. What I witnessed today in Cleveland, Ohio, the home of the 2016 Trumpcult convention, was nothing short of disgusting. Kendal Unruh, Senator Mike Lee, Ken Cuccinelli and Morton Blackwell were leading a fight to change the rules to tip the balance of power in future elections back toward conservative states and remove the power from the party in DC. The establishment in DC is so afraid grassroots voters, of people who want to limit government power, that they will do anything to suppress our votes. We've become the useful minority to them. They kiss up to us when they need our votes and suppress our voices at all other times.
I am done with the GOP. All of my efforts in the political arena will be toward ending the Republican Party and starting a new conservative party. We must bring the Liberty Movement, the actual Bible believing churches, the conservative Jewish coalition, free market types and those who just want to be left alone together. To be sure, the virus that is Trumpism has infected many people who are uneducated or members of a perceived victim class. They will have to be defeated or educated. One or the other.
I can actually see 4 political parties emerging from this mess. I see a far left Socialist party, a mainstream leftwing Democrat party, a corporatist/thug Republican party and a Conservative Party. If we can regularly have 4 major nominees a 35% share of the vote could win and govern. I see this as the only true way forward. Form alliances in Congress where we can and stand up to all big government forces where we must.
One thing is for sure. I have just begun to fight. I'm reminded of a verse in the Bible